What are existential problems?

Many people feel that they have no meaning in life. They don't know what life is about or where they are going. By exploring the client's core values and goals in life, they can create a more meaningful existence. Instead of running away from themselves or living on 'autopilot', they can use conscious actions that harmonize with who they really want to be and take steps in this direction.

Må Bra interviewed Sveapsykologerna about how to counteract existential stress. Read the article in our blog via the link: https://sveapsykologerna.se/blog/2019/10/3/s-vet-du-om-din-stress-r-existentiell-och-hur-du-hanterar-den

People often live according to both societal norms and what their parents or immediate environment have done or told them to do. In therapy, we can examine what are the person's own basic assumptions, life rules, core values and goals in life. In this way, you can succeed in achieving the life you want to live. For example, a person who has been taught to be compliant may never have asked themselves what they want, feel or need. They may not dare to take up space because it is not in line with the rule of life that you need to please other people in order to be liked. By making visible how these dysfunctional life rules clash with the person's genuine core values and goals in life, you can explore new behaviors where they listen to their own thoughts, feelings and needs in a new way.

Sometimes changes of this kind can be scary, but they usually lead to good results. Life is not about avoiding pain, but rather about being able to deal with thoughts and feelings in a healthy way while continuing to take steps forward in a meaningful direction. It is about being able to be fully present and fulfilled by what life has to offer. To achieve this, however, you need to dare to step outside your comfort zone. Most often, the person has painted a picture in which the consequences of stepping outside the comfort zone appear worse than they actually are. It is difficult to achieve the goals without also challenging oneself in various ways. Of course, this is done gradually, at a safe pace that is loving to oneself.