Parental support from a psychologist

A psychologist can provide both support and advice as well as give you as a parent tools to make everyday life easier for you and your child. A child who is unwell often needs much more support than others, which can be difficult and stressful as a parent. Difficult because it is not completely obvious which support is good and which can have the opposite effect. Stressful because you are always on your toes and have few chances for recovery and calm.

Help understand your child

Help from a psychologist can first and foremost mean that you as a parent get a chance to understand your child in a different way. An outside party has a different perspective and it may be easier for the child to open up to someone other than the parent. It is common for parents not to know what is happening inside the child and it can be a traumatic awakening to understand that one's child is not well.

This is when feelings such as shame, guilt and sadness become palpable. The shame that you have not understood your child, or seen the extent of how bad the child is. Guilt because parents often place the responsibility for the child's well-being on themselves and ask themselves what they should have done differently. Grief because a parent's highest wish is usually for one's child to be well.

Parental support psychologist

Parental support

Many parents need support in their parenting, this is especially important if one's child is not well and suffers from psychological problems. The sweep psychologists help both children and parents.


Help a child who is unwell

Parents of children who are unwell need to take a lot of responsibility during the children's journey to feel better. Among other things, it can be about challenging the child to be exposed step by step to what he finds difficult. Many times it also means working to maintain routines and making sure the child eats and sleeps as they should.

Routines and being exposed to what the child finds difficult are methods that are often used to improve children's mental health , but of course it does not always help. It all depends on what the child is suffering from and what your situation looks like. The sweep psychologists start from each unique situation before we put together a plan and a proposal for what the treatment should look like.

We have extensive experience in helping children with many different mental health problems, including:

We also carry out investigations for ADHD , ADD and Autism .


Parental support and child psychologist

Parental support is usually most effective in combination with the fact that we also help the child in question. The Sveap psychologists have experience in both supporting parents and treating children and young people. Many times it can also be good for you to receive call support together, in parallel with your own support calls. Read more about the psychological help we offer children and young people .

Parental support Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö

We offer physical calls for parental support at one of our receptions in Stockholm , Gothenburg and Malmö . We have several receptions in each city and you can usually quickly get an appointment at one of these.

Parental support online

For those of you who do not live in or near one of our largest cities, we offer parental support digitally via any of the available conversation tools. A conversation or therapy online goes just as well as one at a reception, so even you who live near a reception are of course welcome to book parental support online if it suits you better.