Procrastination is another word for putting things off. It's normal to want to put things off, we humans need a deadline to a large extent. We get things done before there is a consequence if we don't do it, otherwise it's easy to put it off. Most people can recognize themselves in having put off exams or assignments until the last second.

Procrastinating – a personality trait

Some people are lower in the conscientiousness personality trait, which contains two different parts: orderliness and industriousness . This personality trait, like the other Big 5 personality traits, is distributed based on a normal distribution curve, in which a certain amount of the population is in the higher or lower percentiles. The vast majority are somewhere in the middle of the curve, which means that these people are half-precise and half-hardworking. If you are in the lower percentiles on the scale, it can result in procrastination as a personality trait. This means that you constantly experience a difficulty in getting things done on time and getting things done.

Personality cannot be chosen

When doing personality tests in a selection context, it is often attractive to have a high level of conscientiousness , as it means that the person in question will be hardworking and thorough. Unfortunately, you cannot determine your own personality – it is a combination of both heredity and environment. On the other hand, you can work on your weak sides and practice changing behaviour.

Procrastination affects life

ADHD often includes starting difficulties and problems with carrying out and completing tasks. Then you usually have such big problems that it affects how you function in several areas of life. But even minor impact on life can be a form of procrastination. Regardless of whether it is a major or minor problem with procrastination, the person can become more structured by formulating goals and sub-goals and using external aids such as a calendar and mobile phone reminders.


Learn to choose positive behaviors

It is good to set deadlines and also to use routines. It is natural for humans to choose behaviors that provide short-term gains in the form of positive and negative reinforcement. These give something positive, or remove something negative, in the short term.

Unfortunately, the behaviors that we put off are usually ones that have long-term good consequences. If you are driven by the short-term consequences, it becomes difficult to choose the long-term ones. Therefore, you need to learn to see the goal and also break it down into smaller sub-goals. You can imagine that what is boring and difficult is portioned out into small parts. If you only see the big, tall mountain, it can feel difficult. By instead taking one step at a time and not allowing yourself to be hindered by thoughts or feelings that tell you to stop, you have finally climbed the whole mountain.

Help with procrastination

By getting help with structure and planning and by working out ways to set interim goals, you can get better at managing your procrastination.


To procrastinate is to not take responsibility

If you are aware of which thoughts and feelings are usually obstacles, it becomes easier not to let yourself be guided by them in a non-purposeful direction. Most things in life that are meaningful require taking responsibility. Taking responsibility is often demanding and does not always bring short-term rewards. By procrastinating responsibilities, you easily miss out on the meaningful: for example, maintaining relationships, taking care of your body and health, and prioritizing work and career. There is therefore much to be gained from setting goals and striving to achieve them!