Have you experienced a difficult event, trauma or grief? For example, it may have been triggered by the death of a loved one, illness, unemployment, divorce or infidelity. Do you feel that you have lost your grip on life, with symptoms such as nightmares, apathy, panic attacks and fear? These are signs that you are experiencing a crisis, and the sooner you address the problems and deal with them, the more likely you are to heal.

A crisis is an experience that makes us feel that we are no longer capable of managing our life. It can be a trauma, an event that triggers strong reactions and emotions in us. It can also be a major change in our life, a so-called life crisis can be triggered by a divorce, a death, losing our job or a major conflict that changes our relationships.

Life crisis and crisis - common symptoms

Common psychological reactions or symptoms during a crisis are

  • anxiety and worry

  • sensitivity to stress and demands

  • memory problem

  • feelings of unreality

  • inability to take in what has happened

  • fatigue

  • depressed mood

  • emotional shutdown

  • low self-esteem

  • overwhelming emotions

  • sleeping problems

  • concentration difficulties

The result can be difficulties in coping with work, socializing, or even living a good life. If these difficulties persist, the risk of depression and anxiety increases. Therefore, it is important not to lose the routines and try to find back to what the person has used in the past to feel good. 

Crisis call

Do you need crisis counseling to deal with a crisis you are in the middle of or one that has been with you for a long time?

We help people with crisis counseling during all phases of the crisis. Contact Sveapsykologerna and we will help you find a form of crisis management that suits you best.


What happens to people in crisis?

There are often different phases that people go through, such as shock, denial, feelings of unreality, guilt, anger, sadness, etc. It is individual which phases you go through and in what order. After a while, the person usually enters what is known as a reorientation phase, where they have found themselves in their life, despite the changes brought about by the crisis. It is not possible to say exactly how long this will take, as it depends on the type of crisis the person has experienced, the support they have and whether they have a mental health vulnerability.

How to manage a crisis?

People who are going through a crisis need support. They need to talk and hear themselves talk about what has happened. While the person is talking about what has happened, they are processing the crisis. Psychotherapy can provide effective support in an acute crisis by providing a professional overview and knowledge of the nature and course of crises. The most common way to deal with crises and life crises is to get help through counseling. It is important that counseling starts as soon as possible after the crisis has occurred. This significantly increases the chances of healing.

PTSD after a crisis

It is common for people in crisis to withdraw from what might help them through the crisis. Most crises and traumas do not lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. However, if the person has withdrawn and it has been a long time since the crisis started and there are still symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance, anxiety, etc. In the case of post-traumatic stress disorder, there is a specific treatment that is effective for this diagnosis.


Crisis management for private individuals

As mentioned, counseling is one of the most common ways to treat life crises and emergencies. By talking and getting support, we heal. Sometimes a few conversations can be enough to feel that your life is manageable again, in other situations a longer contact can be helpful.

In an initial conversation, we can together formulate and assess what you need. We will also match you with the right psychologist or therapist. After that, we work out a plan for the support together; how many times we will meet, how often we will have the conversations and what the goal of the conversations is.

Sveapsychologerna has worked with people in crisis for many years. Our skills and experience cover all possible scenarios and crises. In other words, we have come into contact with all types of life crises and crises, with us you are never alone in your crisis.

Crisis talks in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö

If you want to receive counseling in a clinic, we are located in our largest cities, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. But of course we also offer telephone and video support. In other words, we can help you no matter where in Sweden or the world you are. Our therapists can help you and conduct therapy in Swedish, English, Spanish, Persian and Finnish. We can also offer you counseling support outside working hours, in the evenings and at weekends.

Don't let the crisis get the better of you, get in touch today for help in dealing with it.