People diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, Autism, Asperger's, intellectual disability or Tourette's syndrome, i.e. neuropsychiatric disabilities, often experience problems in everyday life. In fact, to be classified as a disability, the diagnosis and difficulties must have a major impact on the individual's everyday life.

We offer treatment to those who want support and discussions in their everyday lives due to their own or a loved one's neuropsychiatric disability. In the treatment, we put the individual's needs and situation at the center. In the treatment we focus both on the diagnosis and the individual. We focus on finding acceptance for the diagnosis as well as knowledge, understanding and insights into their own strengths and weaknesses. It is also about understanding the person's situation and everyday life to find adaptations and the right skills to cope with life in the best possible way despite the diagnosis.


Treatment of ADHD

The diagnosis of ADHD means that the person has an attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity and impulsivity. Many people who are diagnosed start medication in combination with psychological treatment. Psychological treatment usually includes learning about the diagnosis, learning about organization and planning, skills and techniques to reduce problems with easy distraction, procrastination and working with the person's thoughts.

ADD treatment

The diagnosis of ADD is similar to ADHD but without the hyperactivity and impulsivity. Treating ADD is the same as treating ADHD, as the diagnoses are so similar. ADD is also treated with medication combined with counseling to learn how to cope with your own diagnosis and the symptoms it causes.

It is common to have co-morbidity, that is, the person also has, for example, anxiety, stress, depression, low self-esteem, etc. and this is treated at the same time in therapy. In the treatment, we also focus on the person's strengths.

Family members are also usually invited to participate in the treatment as the diagnosis affects the environment. Family members can also seek therapy on their own, even if the family member diagnosed with ADHD or ADD is not in treatment. In this case, the focus can be on learning more about the diagnosis and functional approaches to the family member, i.e. how to provide the best support but also take care of themselves in the best possible way.

ADD treatment

Investigations ADD, ADHD and autism

Sveapsykologerna carries out assessments for all types of autism, ADHD and ADD. We have extensive experience and short waiting times.


Treatment of autism

Autism cannot be cured, but it can be trained in skills, social skills, language and other skills that are important in everyday life. Autism treatment focuses on the person's strengths. Psychological treatment makes it easier for the person to function in everyday life.

What is autism?

Autism is an umbrella term for various diagnoses of autism spectrum disorders, sometimes abbreviated as ASD, including Asperger's. People who have a diagnosis within the autism spectrum have in common that they have difficulty processing information. The diagnoses are not a disease and nothing that can be cured, it is simply that people with some variant of autism function a little differently compared to most others and compared to how we have learned that social interaction and society work.

As autism is a spectrum, diagnoses can manifest themselves in different ways, and people with a diagnosis need different levels of support and help. In many cases, people often have multiple diagnoses and disabilities.

How is autism detected?

Depending on the severity of the disability, it can be differently difficult to detect that someone has the diagnosis. One of the most obvious signs is that people with some form of autism have difficulty with change, find it hard to fit into social contexts and easily get stuck in the same types of patterns, movements and interests.

Asperger treatment

Asperger's was previously a common neuropsychiatric diagnosis, but it was merged with autism in 2013 as it is not possible to draw boundaries between autism and Asperger's. In other words, assessments and treatments for Asperger's are the same as for autism, however, in the field of autism there are differences that mean that we obviously design the treatment differently, we always start from the person's needs and situation.


Being a parent of a child with autism

Having a child diagnosed with autism can be associated with various difficulties. It can be really helpful to have the right knowledge. There are many things that can be done to make life at home better. These include the use of rewards for desirable behaviors, set schedules, routines and guidance. This is important both at home and at school. It is usually helpful to explain to the child that they have an underlying cause for their difficulties. It can be helpful for the child to understand themselves better and realize that it is not their fault.

Book a consultation with us and we will help you with the tools to make everyday life easier for you and your child. Although there is no cure for autism, there is a lot we can do to make life easier for children with a diagnosis and their parents.