Sveapsychologists treat PTSD

What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

Some people who experience trauma do not automatically process their traumatic experiences and are at risk of developing PTSD. This can manifest itself through several symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, reliving the event, avoidance, etc. CBT has been shown to be an effective form of treatment for people with PTSD. In this diagnosis, the person takes on both internal and external avoidance, which perpetuates the trauma because processing is not allowed to happen. In the treatment, the client lists their avoidances and then exposes themselves to past events by, among other things, talking about what has happened so that the events become less charged and thus processed. The person may also challenge their external avoidance, as this is also helpful for processing. Trauma can affect a person's sense of safety, trust, self-esteem, security and intimacy. The trauma affects how the person views themselves, the world around them, the future and life.

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Sveapsykologerna offers conflict management

What is conflict management?

Conflicts can arise in the workplace, in relationships and so on. It is useful to learn tools for resolving these conflicts. How to communicate without accusing, to avoid the other person going into defense. Conflicts can cause tremendous stress and anxiety. In some cases, they can even lead to depression.

There are communication basics that can be used to manage conflict. Validation has been shown to be effective. It involves taking the time to listen to the other party and confirming that you have understood what the other person has said. For example, you can retell what the other person said, but in different words, to show that you have understood what they meant. Then the other party needs to listen to you. If you make an effort to have a dialog - which means that both want to do their best to take in what the other is saying - it is more likely that the conflict will be resolved in a constructive way. The opposite of dialog is debate - where you go in with the idea of wanting to be right and 'shooting down' the other's arguments. This often leads to frustration and anger on both sides, as it is human nature to want to be validated and listened to. To be able to validate, you may sometimes need to park your reactions, which is not always easy. Especially when the person's thoughts and feelings lead to impulsive behaviors and invalidation, which increases the risk of conflict.

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Book a free consultation now! Sveapsykologerna offers crisis management for both companies and individuals.

What is a crisis?

If you have had a difficult experience, trauma, crisis or bereavement and feel that you have lost your grip on life, with symptoms such as nightmares, apathy, anxiety and fear. Most crises and traumas do not lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. However, it is still useful to investigate this if a longer period of time has passed and there are still symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance, fearfulness, etc. In the case of post-traumatic stress disorder, there is a specific treatment that is effective for this diagnosis. Psychotherapy can provide effective support in an acute crisis through a professional's ability to provide an overview and knowledge of the nature and course of crises. A crisis may be the death of a relative, illness, unemployment, divorce or infidelity. When a person is experiencing a crisis, they need support. They need to talk and hear themselves talk about what has happened. While talking about what has happened, the person processes the crisis. In some cases, the person may go through different phases such as shock, denial, feelings of unreality, guilt, anger, sadness, etc. It is individual which phases you go through and in what order. After a while, the person usually enters what is known as a reorientation phase, in which they have found themselves in their life despite the changes brought about by the crisis. It is not possible to say exactly how long this will take, as it depends on the type of crisis the person has experienced, the support they have and whether they have a mental vulnerability to mental illness.

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Book a free consultation now! Sveapsykologerna treats low self-esteem and low self-confidence, among other things.

What is low self-esteem?

Many people have problems with low self-esteem, low self-confidence and negative self-image. Here, we work on teaching the person to examine whether they confirm themselves by being good or seeking confirmation from outside. We also examine what the person's self-dialogue looks like. For many people who suffer from low self-esteem, it is common to be hard on themselves. Much harder than you would be on a friend. By practicing being kinder to yourself, your self-esteem can improve. Having low self-esteem can mean many different things to different people. Therefore, it is important to conduct a behavioral analysis to examine how low self-esteem manifests itself for the specific client.

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Book a free consultation now! Sveapsykologerna treats, among other things, risk use, abuse and addiction.

What is risk use, abuse and dependence?

Substance use, abuse and dependence are multifactorial phenomena, meaning that it is a combination of heredity and environment that can put a person at risk. A person who has a vulnerability to addiction has an increased risk of falling into it if they are in a social environment where other people have an addiction. Psychological factors such as short-term rewards in the form of improved self-esteem or reduced stress can also lead to the continuation of addictive behavior. Because it is the short-term reward that most drives our behaviors, the long-term negative consequences of the behaviors are quickly forgotten and the brain can trick you into wanting to continue the destructive addictive behavior because the brain wants the short-term gains. 

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Book a free consultation now! Sveapsychologists treat existential problems, among other things.

What are existential problems?

Many people feel that they have no meaning in life. They don't know what life is about or where they are going. By exploring the client's core values and goals in life, they can create a more meaningful existence. Instead of running away from themselves or living on 'autopilot', they can use conscious actions that harmonize with who they really want to be and take steps in this direction. Often people live according to both societal norms and what their parents or immediate environment have done or told them to do. In therapy, we can explore what are the person's own basic assumptions, life rules, core values and goals in life. In this way, you can succeed in achieving the life you want to live.

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Book a free consultation now! Sveapsykologerna offers individual therapy for relationship problems and couples therapy.

What are relationship problems?

It is also possible to go to individual therapy and talk about your relationship problems. There may be several reasons for this, for example, you may not be able to bring your partner to couples therapy, or you may have things you want to talk about without your partner hearing. Relationship problems can be about many different things, such as jealousy, ambivalence, conflict, communication problems, insecurity, etc.

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Book a free consultation now! Sveapsykologerna treats, among other things, health anxiety / hypochondria

What is health anxiety (hypochondria)?

A person suffering from health anxiety has a severe fear of being or becoming affected by some serious illness. Symptoms in the body lead to a conviction that something is wrong. A large part of everyday life is spent trying to understand the symptoms. Information is sought on the Internet, friends are questioned and people often go to the doctor. Medical examinations usually provide temporary reassurance, but after a while the anxiety returns. People may start to question the doctor's competence or ability to understand.

Follow the link to read more or book a free consultation:

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Book a free consultation now! Sveapsykologerna treats, among other things, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

OCD usually includes both obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts that cause discomfort, fear and/or anxiety. They can include, for example, strong concerns about hurting someone close to you, or causing another person's unhappiness. Worries about germs and/or infection are another common obsessive theme. Obsessions with religious content are common even in those who are not religious. For example, they may think that certain thoughts are forbidden, which causes them to worry that they will be punished in some way. Read more here:

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Book a free consultation now! Sveapsykologerna treats generalized anxiety and worry

What is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and worry?

In the anxiety family, there are several different types of anxiety, all of which have in common that they associate a certain area as dangerous. In GAD, the danger is a variety of future areas. The person overthinks and tries to find solutions in their mind, although they do not find the solutions there. On the contrary, the anxiety limits life and the person becomes tense and feels bad about constantly walking around and being in fight or flight mode. The person lets their thoughts take up more and more space and often thinks they need to think and be on guard to be prepared if something dangerous happens. The worry is positively reinforced, i.e. increased by the fact that what you are worried about rarely happens. The brain then concludes that it did not happen because of the worry and that the worry is therefore functional, which is a false notion. Read more here:

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Book a free consultation now. Sveapsychologists treat panic disorder, among other things.

What are panic disorder and agoraphobia?

Being able to feel anxiety is necessary for us humans. Anxiety acts as a kind of alarm signal, helping us to avoid or escape from danger. Most of us have therefore experienced anxiety and/or an occasional panic attack. Sometimes the feeling of anxiety can become so strong and present that it is difficult to function in everyday life. Panic disorder, also known as panic anxiety, involves sudden and intense anxiety attacks with severe physical symptoms. Heart palpitations, chest pains, dizziness, difficulty breathing, an upset stomach, and/or feelings of unreality are common. You may also experience persistent pain in different parts of your body. Often you know why, but sometimes the feeling of discomfort and fear occurs without a visible explanation. The attacks create a fear of losing control, going mad, becoming seriously ill or even dying. Many people describe the attacks as the most frightening thing they have ever experienced, and it is common for people with panic disorder to go to hospital emergency departments. Read more here:

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Book a free consultation now. Sveapsychologists treat anxiety, among other things.

What is anxiety? 

There are several different types of anxiety such as worry (a strong and non-constructive one) which is sometimes diagnosed as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), health anxiety et. c. In CBT, we use various techniques that have been shown to be effective in treating anxiety. These include learning to notice thoughts, accept feelings and dare to make behavioral changes.

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Sveapsykologerna offers free consultations. We treat depression, among other things.

What is depression?

What is the difference between normal low mood and depression? In depression, symptoms are so severe that they cause difficulties in functioning in everyday life. Sadness and a loss of the ability to feel joy about anything are common symptoms. Life feels empty, meaningless and hopeless. Nothing seems interesting anymore. It is common to feel sad and indifferent. Disturbed sleep and changes in appetite are other common symptoms. Lack of energy is also common. Depressed people often fall into negative thoughts and ruminations. When self-confidence drops and you no longer function normally, it is easy to withdraw socially and isolate yourself. You may no longer be able to care about others or yourself. It is also common to feel that thinking and speaking are slower. It can be difficult to focus and it is easy to lose the thread. Read more here:

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Sveapsykologerna offers stress management for both companies and individuals

What is stress management?

Sveapsykologerna offers companies stress management both preventively and for those affected by stress and fatigue syndrome. We also offer managerial coaching so that the workplace knows how to deal with employees who have a stress problem and prevent employees from ending up in dangerous stress.

The body needs a balance between stress and recovery. Being exposed to prolonged stress can lead to reduced resilience, physically, cognitively and psychologically. Several events may have accumulated and eventually the straw that breaks the camel's back leads to a stress reaction. The causes of stress symptoms can be work-related or personal problems, for example. Professional support can help you sort out and identify the areas and issues that cause you stress. By learning more about yourself, your abilities and limitations, you can regain balance in your life, and find the approach and power to make the changes you need to take better care of yourself. Find out more here:

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Sveapsykologerna offers couple therapy and family therapy

For many people, relationships are the great meaning of life. Unfortunately, relationships don't always work easily and smoothly, and can sometimes be very difficult to deal with. Whether it is a love relationship or a relationship with family members and friends, it can trigger very difficult feelings. These can include jealousy, anger, sadness, disappointment and so on. Sometimes the person can lose their 'core values' of being the partner, parent, sibling or friend they want to be. This often happens when the emotions and thoughts take over and the person loses their self-control. By reflecting and focusing on the core values and examining the situations that arise, the person can change their approach and improve their relationships. It is important to examine your triggers, thoughts, feelings, body sensations, behaviors, and short- and long-term consequences to stop acting on autopilot and start taking steps towards being the partner, family member or friend you really want to be. Read more here:

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Sveapsychologists treat social phobia

Social phobia

What is social phobia?

It is very common to suffer from social anxiety. There is a general form of social phobia where you feel afraid of many different social situations. It can be talking on the phone on the subway, talking to the cashier, etc. There is also a more specific form of social anxiety where the person's anxiety is more focused on specific situations such as giving a talk, for example. Most people find giving presentations difficult, but most people can force themselves to do so when needed, for example in studies and in work. A person with social phobia suffers so much from it that it creates problems in the person's functioning, for example at work, leisure, relationships or in other areas.

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We treat stress, fatigue syndrome and burnout

What is fatigue syndrome?

Our bodies are equipped for short periods of stress, so it is not something we usually get sick from. Stress as a condition involves the whole body. However, if the stress is prolonged and there are no periods of recovery, you can develop stress-related symptoms and fatigue syndrome. Common problems include sleep disturbances, stomach upset, persistent pain and high blood pressure. Prolonged stress also affects the immune system, making it more susceptible to infections. Common emotional reactions to prolonged stress include anxiety and/or depression, as well as feelings of tiredness, exhaustion and inadequacy. Sometimes there is a desire to isolate oneself. In addition, constantly experiencing too small margins can make it difficult to control emotional reactions. It is common for the person to have problems with memory and concentration, known as cognitive impairment. As for fatigue syndrome, it can manifest itself differently from person to person. Some people may experience anxiety or panic in addition to stress symptoms. Other people may become more depressed.

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